Movirack mobile racking: a solutions to store plastic in big bags

Movirack mobile racking: a solutions to store plastic in big bags

The warehouse provides a storage capacity of 1,697 pallets with big bags

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The plastic’s company Vicom has reorganised the operations of its warehouse in Olèrdola (Barcelona) with the installation of two blocks of Movirack mobile pallet racking by Mecalux. This solution makes full use of the warehouse surface to reach a better storage capacity, and also offers direct access to the SKUs the moment a working aisle opens.

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About Vicom

Up and running since 2002, Vicom is a Barcelona based company that manufactures and sells all classes of rubber, plastic, latex and resin. Its team of professionals is tasked with developing new components to fulfil emerging customer demands.

Needs and the solution

Vicom owns and operates a finished products warehouse next to its manufacturing centre in the town of Olèrdola (Barcelona). The business needed to expand its storage space, as well as increase the installation’s productivity to ensure efficient customer care.

The company, which has collaborated with Mecalux previously, required expert advice on a solution that would be a good fit for its growing needs.

After analysing Vicom’s requirements, Mecalux equipped the warehouse with two blocks of Movirack mobile pallet racking. The first of these has seven mobile racks and the second has nine. Big bag type sacks are stored here on top of pallets.

Movirack mobile racking

This high-density storage system makes maximum use of available space by eliminating the number of aisles.

The racks are placed on mobile bases that move laterally and independently. The operator must send an order through a remote control to open the aisle where the required goods are housed.

The system is fitted out with sliders, electronic equipment and several safety devices that protect both the operators and the stored goods:

  • External sensors: these stop the racks from moving when a piece of equipment enters the aisle.
  • Internal sensors: these detect the presence of objects inside the aisle that would prevent the proper operation of the system.
  • Emergency stop buttons: these halt the racks from moving in the event of an incident.
  • Proximity sensors: these ensure a safe, smooth stop.

Advantages for Vicom

  • High storage capacity: a storage capacity of 1,697 pallets is obtained with the full use of the surface area.
  • Optimal management of the goods: direct access to the goods means quick in-house response times during storage tasks and facilitates stock control.
  • Safety system: the racks include electronic equipment and safety devices that ensure operators and the merchandise stay safe.
Movirack mobile pallet racks in the Vicom warehouse
Storage capacity: 1,697 pallets
Pallet sizes: 1,000 x 1,200 mm / 1,100 x 1,200 mm
Max. pallet weight: 1,395 kg
Racking height: 7.5 m
Racking length: 18 m / 21 m

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